Roof Services

On Center Roof Asset Management is the professional maintenance division of On Center Roof Asset Management. Our maintenance division is staffed by union roofers and led by project managers who have worked in the On Center Roof Asset Management production division for years, with hands-on experience in every facet of commercial roof systems, from the delicate work of historic buildings to the latest metal and composite systems, to LEED Certified solar and green roofing projects.

We routinely handle roofs manufactured by Sarnafil, Carlisle, Firestone, Johns Manville, American Hydrotech, Henry, Siplast, Tremco, Garland, SR Products, Versico, Dow, GAF, Fibertite, UnaClad, Englert, Centria, Reynobond, and Rheinzink among others.

With certified teams working across the Northeast daily, Greenwood Roof Services specializes in large commercial roofs for companies, institutions, universities, state and local governments. We are headquartered in Milford, MA, and have maintenance teams operating from our branches throughout the region.


We will customize an inspection protocol that meets your budgetary needs and the demands of your facilities. During inspections, we document and photograph all areas. We track wear and look for weakening roof sections or issues that need immediate attention. We clean drains, remove debris and caulk minor areas of concern as part of the regular inspection.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance costs less than repairs and extends the life of a roof by addressing problems before they escalate into damaging leaks. Our team will develop a customized preventative maintenance program to keep your roof functioning properly, saving you money and avoiding the headaches associated with leaks.


Our team is on call 24/7 for emergencies. We will work closely with you to evaluate the scope of a leak and implement the right solution. On Center Roof Asset Management is approved by the leading industry warranty claims centers to determine the cause of a roof leak and allocate responsibility. We will assess your case for material or installation defects and make sure you get the warranty coverage you deserve.

Safety Assessments

Our comprehensive safety assessments follow OHSA’s Hierarchy of Fall Protection. Our experts start by inspecting your rooftop for potential hazards. From there, we offer recommendations that progress up the four levels of hierarchy – from simple, sensible approaches for eliminating risks to lifesaving personal protection systems.

Restoration & Waterproofing

If there is a weakness in a building’s roof, envelope or foundation, water will eventually exploit that weakness and enter the building. Experts at our subsidiary, The Water Proofing Company, can identify potential waterproofing issues on existing buildings, or buildings under design, then implement the right solution to protect your facility.

24/7 Emergency Response

Blistering heat, freezing cold, driving rain and high winds challenge your roof all year long. We have teams deployed across New England who will respond 24/7 to customers with weather related roof damage. We also recommend getting ahead of the storm, with a program for periodic inspections that identify and remedy weak spots so they withstand seasonal challenges.

On Center Roof Asset
Management Advantage

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